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Exec Committee


Alex Rickells


Alex is a second year Music student at the University and one of the many Saxophonists on this year’s committee. As well as being President for this year, Alex is also Assistant Conductor for Wind Orchestra and Principle Conductor for String Orchestra (some say he’s never even heard of these String instruments until now). He is involved as much as he can be, and always makes sure that everyone in BlowSoc is having lots and lots of fun! When he’s not doing anything music-related you’ll find Alex running away from spiders, reading History books and #hashtagging lots of things. Alex hopes you find this year with BlowSoc the best year of your lives (which it definitely will be), and hopes that by the end of it everyone might just be able to pronounce his surname correctly. 


Vice President

Izzy Herrick


Izzy is a 3rd year Geographer. She has been a keen member of Blowsoc since she started university, playing the oboe. Last year she thoroughly enjoyed organising the tour to Prague and now she hopes to use her experience to become a really approachable and helpful Vice President. Izzy really enjoys the social side of Blowsoc and wants to get the new members as involved in the society as possible.



General Secretary

Matt Husbands


Matt Husbands is a 2nd Year Mechanical Engineer who plays Tuba, and prides himself on being the loud brash one at the bottom of the band. While he may seem loud and larger than life at times, he really just wants everyone to have a good time and is actually quite friendly when you get to know him. He worked in Industry for a year before coming to Uni so tries to convince himself that he knows what he is on about and is as organised as they come. The truth? Well...




Matt Wigley


Matt Wigley, aka. Wiggles, is a 2nd year music student straight from the heart of Birmingham. Although primarily a saxophonist, Matt plays his clarinet from time to time and is this year helping to conduct several small ensembles, as well as being the BlowSoc treasurer. He spends many of his hours around the music department, providing a welcome and friendly face whilst arguing with the other students about the strength of his accent.



Publicity Officer
Cat Buechel


Cat is a third year medical student (not all of us are music students!), and has been involved with Blowsoc for the past two years. A saxophonist and Devonshire lass at heart, she has inherited the role of Publicity Officer from another sax-playing Cat and is looking forward to promoting all of our various concerts and events this upcoming year.



Tour Manager
Lucy Dell


Lucy is a second year music student and flautist. After fully enjoyed her first year in the society and her first tour to Prague, she was eager to give something back! She has many exciting ideas for the next tour, you won't want to miss out on it!




Ensemble Co-ordinator
Lucy North


Lucy is a 2nd year music student. A player of both the piano and flute, she is a friendly and familiar face you will always see around the music department. After enjoying playing in flute ensemble last year, she is looking forward to taking on this organisation role, with all the managers and conductors of the ensembles reporting to her.



Social Sec
Eleanor Mills


Eleanor is a 2nd year music student who plays the bassoon, clarinet and saxophone, loves music and is a friendly and enthusiastic member of the society. Last year she was in Moons, wind orchestra, clarinet and saxophone ensemble; and because she wasn't quite busy enough, is social sec for this year. She is really looking forward to working hard to organise many events for the society to make sure everyone feels involved and most importantly has fun! She will constantly be around the music department and will always be happy to help, hear any concerns, and to share a chat and a giggle.



IT Officer
James Findlay


James is a 3rd year music student who plays the Euphonium and Piano to a generally satisfactory standard. Last year, in the society he took part in the University Brass Ensemble, Wind Orchestra and went on tour with the rest of the Blowsoc massive! As well as this he plays for the local championship section brass band, Thoresby Colliery Band. On his other, less musical side, he spends far too much time using the PC and therefore he decided it would be a good idea to make some of that time worthwhile, hence why he ran for IT Officer. He will also be looking to set up a 5 a side football team for Blowsoc this year so if you are interested, get in touch ASAP! If you have any technological concerns at all just let him know!



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